Monday, March 16, 2009

Geology week

The week after Carnaval, it was geology week in the Facultad de Ciencias. They had posters about why people should study geology and what geologists do (it's a good question) in the atrium and it was very impressive. Then, I climbed the stairs, and they had a display of common builind rocks in Salamanca with their trade names and the location where they were quarried. I was very impressed, and I took a few pictures:
This is the rock that is on the walls of the language building.
This is a slate that is all over the city. The quarry is actually right outside the city.
This marble is on the walls in the science building.

The trade name of the Salamanca sandstone that all of the buildings are built out of.

The next week was geologic engineering week, which was much less impressive. They only had one little poster in the foyer.

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