Monday, February 23, 2009


One of the great things about having visitors is that you not only have some one to make you leave your apartment, but you also have an excuse to go see all of the touristy things in the city and take pictures.
We didn't really do much during the 3 days that she was here, but we spent a lot of time in the sun and took a lot of pictures.

More storks

The tower by the Cueva de Salamanca

Storks in the courtyard of one of the academic buildings
El Palacio de Anaya, which is the language building

A monument to the growth of Castillian (the Spanish that they speak in Spain)
It says: The most beautiful city is watching, like the dashing painter of the gorgeous sky polishing all of the illuminated sky. Already with his light the brimming Tormes (the river in Salamanca) the flowers that garnish it banks attentively watch its white path and crystal waves. This is from Salamanca, the solid seat, the well of science, the source of miracles...
Lope de Vega (a Spanish poet and playwright from the 16th century)

The Roman bridge across the Río Tormes
A Celtic boar that guards the city. It lost its head when some naughty (likely intoxicated) college students pushed it into the river in the 1700's. They found the boar's body, but the head was never recovered.
A statue of Lazarillo de Tormes, who is the protagonist in the first real Spanish novel. According to the story, he was born in Salamanca.
Cathedral at sunset

More storks

My señora invited my friend over for comida, and we took some pictures from the balcony of my apartment.
The last picture is of the mountains. I don't really know for sure, but I think that they're in the Sistema Central


Anonymous said...

I understand that your visitor was Sarah, but you might want to mention that fact in your article.
p.s. when are you going to put up pictures from Dublin?

Anonymous said...

I like your little friend. Grandma

Anonymous said...

i'm very insulted that you refer to me as "a visitor". really. you should listen to katie and say my name.

(also, so maybe i'm a little bad at reading these right away....)

Cori said...

Uh huh, Sarah, sure. Be insulted that Amanda doesn't use your name and calls you "a visitor", but don't be insulted that she doesn't use my name either and calls me "a friend".

As a side note, I like the pictures of Salamanca! It's pretty!