Wednesday, October 22, 2008

More protests and snow!

My grammar class today was, once again, interrupted by protests, with protesters entering our building and setting off the fire alarm and throwing open classroom doors (which is completely normal. It really isn't a big deal here to set off a fire alarm just to create a disturbance; it actually happens about once every two weeks in the residence hall, and every one just ignores it. If there were a real fire, we could all just crawl out our windows, and, since the buildings are made of brick or stone, it's much less dangerous). My grammar teacher told us that the students were protesting the implementation of a standardized EU education system because they think they will have to work harder. It turns out, also, that the new system will apply to every one graduating next year and in the future, so students who are juniors now will have to scramble to meet all of the requirements in time to graduate, and some will have to stay an unanticipated extra year.
There are rumors that there is going to be a student strike starting November 3.
Grammar class was also eventful, because it started snowing after the protesters left. I don't think we really learned much about grammar in class today.


Anonymous said...

I bet you enjoyed the snow!! Did it stick around?

Anonymous said...

Snow! Seroiusly? Was it just alittle flurry or an actuall snowstrom? is it really cold there? -Katie

Anonymous said...

snow!!! all we've had so far is a little bit of snow/hail