Saturday, August 30, 2008

Work Rocks!

I've been working on this post for a while, and I decided that I should finish it since I'm leaving for Spain tomorrow.
This is a photo documentary of my custodial job this summer.

This first photo is a scraper posing with gray, finely laminated pelite of some sort that is reclining next to the pond outside of the high school.

The next photo shows a scrubie enjoying the company of friends. The "lava rock" (the name on the blueprints) is a red scoria, which is porous and rough, like our friendly scrubie.

Also from outside school, we have some crushed granite, with quartz, identified by scratching a glass water bottle. The glove was essential, especially when cleaning the gym.

The facade of the school was accented by a local favorite: limestone.

As we move inside we get some more interesting specimens.

This was a treasure we found while removing and cleaning window screens. It is a granite with large fractured, perthitic feldspars that have some other mineral phase inside of the feldspars.

Next we have the Lodi High Slate Formation, which is characterized by perfect cleavage in 3 directions, resulting in squares that are 12" x 12" x 1/2", and occur in flat, vertical deposits.

A wall of slate.

And an exhibit of some especially interesting textures.

Mottled colors in a slate (slightly blurry).

Porphyroblasts (probably pyrite) with pressure shadows at two different scales.

Magical five keys modeling with a rough, dark fracture (pseudotachylite possibly ?)



Inspirational quote from the science wing:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you really entertain me.