A few weekends ago, IES took us to Toledo, which is a city just South of Madrid which is famous for its cultural history (it is known as the 'city of 3 cultures'), its swords and its marzipan.
Toledo used to be the capital of Spain, and, because of that, it is both a surrounded by walls, both natural and man-made and the River Tajo.
Walls and bridges
City of 3 cultures:
Like every Spanish city, Toledo has a cathedral, but unlike many other Spanish cities, the cathedral in Toledo is actually an important part of people's every-day lives. Toledo is considered the most religious city in Spain, and daily mass at the cathedral is usually well-attended.
In the past, though, think pre-1500, Toledo was known for having the largest Jewish population in Spain, and one of the largest in Europe. Toledo was also ruled by the Moors for 500 years, and during this time, about the last century or so of Moorish rule, Toledo managed to support a population of Christians, Muslims, and Jews, although they all lived in separate parts of the city, which were walled and isolated from each other at night.
A great example of the mix of 3 cultures in Toledo is in the synagogue of Santa María la Blanca, which was designed by Muslim architects, used as a synagogue, and then converted into a church/ convent.
This façade is from another synagogue in Toledo, and will show up in a slightly different form later.
Since Toledo was the biggest city in Spain during the late 1400's, it was also an important place for the Reyes Catolicos (Fernando and Isabel). They had actually planned on being buried in Toledo, but changed their minds after conquering Granada. They constructed Monasterio de San Juan de los Reyes for their tombs, but ended up donating it to an order on monks.
Tanto monta, monta tanto, is an idiomatic expression that roughly translates into 'one is equal to the other', and it was used during the reign of Isabel and Fernando to signify that they were equals. It can be found in a lot of the buildings that they built (like the Alczár place in Segovia).
While we were in Toledo we went to the factory that made the swords that were used in the Lord of the Rings movies, and we got to see swords being made and iron being deorated with gold.
Forge that is dormant, but you can see a pile of swords to be finished in the lower left-hand corner, and some iron to be turned into swords on the right-hand side of the picture.
Here a metal-worker is decorating iron pendants with gold wire. The pendants are made in molds and have little grooves in the top. He puts the gold wire (which he draws himself) into the grooves, and then the whole thing gets re-heated, and the iron turns black and the gold stays nice and shiny.
Toledo had very tasty (although very expensive) marzipan.
Here is a model of nuns making marzipan that was in a window of one of the marzipan stores in Toledo.
Here is the façade of the Synagogue del Tránsito, but this time it's made of marzipan.
Toledo is also famous for being the home of el Greco, the famous painter. While in Toledo, we went to see the 'Entierro de Conde Orgaz', which is one of his most famous paintings.
Toledo also had really great rocks. The city is located on a reverse fault from the Hercynian Orogen and is built on a migmatite complex (if you click on the picture, you can see better detail of some migmatite structures).
My 900-page long 'Geología de España' textbook definitely comes in useful at times like this (I actually consider it one of my best purchases so far. My only complaint is that it doesn't have a very good index).
Besides having amazing outcrops of really interesting rocks around the city, there are also some great building stones in Toledo (like there are in all proper Spanish cities...).
Also, a picture of some ducks for my friend Cori...
and windmills in the sunset.